Business Support






Hello! We’re OurPledge. A sustainability consultancy, training provider, circular economy speciali-

Ah let’s cut to the chase: we’re here to help you navigate the overwhelming, anxiety-inducing world of sustainability for small business – getting you on track to be truly, manageably greener without taking your eye off your customers or your bottom line.

That’s why we’ve designed what we do around making sustainable small business easy, affordable and – we like to think – quite fun. Whether you prefer to learn via a webinar, a live masterclass, a business support 1-2-1 coaching call, or through our networks of like-minded business owners, we’ve got a package that will work for you. And it’s designed to fit around the possibly quite bonkers calendar you’ve got going on.




Here’s a quick insight:

  • • Online webinars: hosted monthly by the BIPC. Low cost, leisurely pace, light introductions.
  • Click here
  • • 1-2-1 sustainability and business growth support sessions: spend 90 minutes with our sustainability specialist and walk away with an achievable sustainability action plan for delivery over a 6 week period.
  • Book here.
  • • Learn-at-your-own pace courses: an introduction to Sustainability for Small Business, The Sustainable Start-up and Sustainability for Independent Retailers. Coming soon.
  • Register your interest here.



6 week ‘greening your business, growing your business’ coaching package: work with a small business sustainability specialist to create a long-term plan for your business. 1 x half day session per week.

For more information please contact us






If you’re a small business owner that cares about the environment (or knows that your customers care*) but only has time to think about it between meetings, in the car, in the middle of the night… we hear you. If ‘do sustainability research’ always gets pushed to the bottom of the to-do list, we understand. If you’re worried about how sustainable processes might affect your bottom line, we get it. Our mission is to help you make your business sustainable, whilst you sustain and grow your business.




Did you know that

  • Nearly six in 10 consumers are willing to change their shopping habits to reduce environmental impact
  • Just like you, 88% of SMES want to be more sustainable but just like you 70% struggle to act
  • This represents a potential untapped opportunity of £190 billion in the UK alone



Small businesses are many and powerful and the better you do, the more sustainability you have in the heart of your business, the better off we’ll all be. Stop worrying, start acting – we’re with you all the way.

*and – trust us – more and more of them do